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$5,000 Reward

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 3:06 pm
by James E. White
First let me state I don't expect anyone to be able to collect this $5,000 reward. The only reason the State of Michigan has so far been able to keep the money due me is because they have the POWER to do so whether they are right or not. The whole lawyer and judicial system of Michigan and the United States has been corrupted by its own power. Stonewalling on the issues has been their MO since day one.

But if you want to try, and you are the first to succeed then I will pay you $5,000. First you must be able to conclusively prove that MSU was either correct in their arithmetic or that once they'd made the mistake they had every right to not correct their mistake even in the face of my efforts to get the mistake corrected. Second you must conclusively argue that Michigan State University and the UIA and the ALJ and the MCAC/UIAC were absolutely correct in their applying an outside-the-contract unrequested payment for vested vacation time to eliminate a legally required unemployment insurance benefit payment per MCL 421.48(2) and MCL 421.27(c). Then, if you pass those two hurdles, you must show that the courts were absolutely correct in the legal correctness of their decisions for the State of Michigan based on law, case facts, and arguments and in ignoring the law, arguments, and precedents I presented. I don't believe all that can be met but you are welcome to try and to post such in your reply. Just ask and I will provide you with all the case documentation. I'll try and get the early documentation posted to the My Case(s) topic as attachments too to give you an easy start.

If you get the above $5,000 you can go for a $1,000 bonus by clearly showing why the Superintending Control Complaint that elicited the final UIAC response did not entitle me to costs.

$500 is alternatively available as a reward to you if you can present facts, law, argument, etc. sufficient to be the the first to convince 50 people to vote for your reply as fully convincing. (I'll set up voting once I have the first reply so the first reply if reasonably done will have a time advantage over subsequent reply efforts.) And if you want you can go for a bonus $100 by clearly presenting facts, law, argument, etc., sufficient to convince 50 people that costs should have been awarded for the Superintending Control Complaint that elicited the final UIAC response.

You do not have to be a lawyer to try for the above rewards, just a reasonably intelligent person who can present facts and arguments logically and convincingly. Post your Reply's to compete for the rewards to this topic, not to the My Case(s) topic.

And you do not have to sign up for this forum, you can email your replies to and I will post them for you.