What rights should Amendment IX protect?

What do you think Amendment IX means. What might it cover that I've not suggested? Cites for what it does cover?

Which of the following do you believe should be (or are) protected by Amendment IX?

a. Correction of mistakes as expeditiously as practical after discovery and notice and without undue fuss
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b. Self-defense
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c. Law, rule, contract, etc., in English to be understood in plain English
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d. Law, rule, contract, etc., to be understood by Federal precedent when such should reasonably be applicable
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e. Clear judicial, agency, etc., written decisions, opinions, judgements, etc., regarding any language disambiguation and to publish the same such that it can be nearly as readily found as applicable law, rules, etc., such publication to include the justification thereof (e.g., the case cite)
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f. No decision rules hidden within government agencies (including computer algorithm ones)
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g. No State being a more-equal “person” in litigation
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h. Correct mathematics by everyone
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i. Valid logic by everyone
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j. Damages for violations of one’s rights
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k. Correct application of scientific knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, etc. by everyone
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l. Judges, agency representatives, etc., being held to, and behave consistent with, high ethical standards
No votes
m. Expect judges, etc. to honor their oaths to support the U.S. Constitution and at least their State’s constitution
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n. Expect judges to always bring the law (including constitutional) into all court decisions whether addressed by the litigants or not
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o. Expect judges to catch invalid logic even when not caught by litigants
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p. Procedure and inconsequential details not getting in the way of “Justice” (thwarting of procedure and details can [but need not] be the cause of reasonable other sanctions though not at the expense of “Justice”)
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q. Courts doing their job and not allowing nor themselves abusing procedure
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r. Appeals in one venue being completed (even if not all options are used) before moving on to the next
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s. Courts needing more information for arriving at a conclusion requesting it
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t. Appeal courts, agencies, etc., always reviewing laws, rules, cites, etc., de novo, and also decisions, orders, etc., for abuse of discretion and factual error whether asked to or not when they remain in dispute
No votes
u. Courts, government agencies, etc., doing their jobs and not forcing or attempting to make individuals use lawyers
No votes
v. Courts addressing in opinions, judgements, etc., reasonable arguments in court, agency, petitioner, plaintiffs, etc., filings.
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w. Have obvious Constitutional and/or non-law (e.g., mistake) issues considered first when their result could override results on subordinate grounds
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x. Redress of harms resulting from subsequently mooted actions
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y. Redress of harms by the State or its actors
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z. Courts, agencies, etc., responding under threat of higher authority not escaping sanction by responding before the higher authority does
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aa. Judges that are fair and impartial
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bb. All communication with judges be plain and convey the same meaning to all parties
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cc. Any words conveying essentially the same meaning as “legal magic words” have the same effect
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dd. Have the issues raised addressed reviewed without being sidetracked by clever presentation of confusing peripheral issues
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ee. Plain language from courts
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ff. Court decisions on word meanings in a contract between A and B not being automatically applied to a contract between E and F
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gg. All appeals to any appropriate higher authority tolling the clock on any other avenues for appeal
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hh. Timelines for rights to appeal or other action whether denied or not in a venue recommence following success in an alternative venue
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ii. Common sense understanding of motivations even when they reflect badly on the apparently motivated
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jj. Other rights not here enumerated as no finite list can be complete (such rights could perhaps be mined from Blackstone1 and other sources but still would be incomplete).
No votes
kk. Have courts see that public employees, lawyers, judges, etc., are appropriately disciplined for improper actions that become visible to the courts without the victims of those improper actions having to commence actions against the perpetrators of those improper actions
No votes
Total votes: 0

James E. White
Site Admin
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:17 pm

What rights should Amendment IX protect?

Unread post by James E. White »

Vote for the rights you think should be included in Amendment IX.

Click "Post Reply" and enter a right suggestion that you think is or should be included. James E. White may reword them if needed and (eventually) add them to the poll to allow you to vote for all you are interested in.
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