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Editing Instructions

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:18 pm
by James E. White
Basically you just type with two "Enter" (or "Return") keystrokes to separate paragraphs, I find it easiest to enhance text by first typing in all my text then selecting just the text I want to apply "B" (bold)*, "I" (italics)*, "U" (underline) to then clicking those buttons in the editor. Generally you should not use the " (quote mark) in the upper right of a post to start a new reply because that copies the entire post into your reply. Instead click the "Post Reply" button first then scroll to the post you want to copy from, select the specific text you wish to comment on, then use the upper right " (quote mark) in the post you scrolled to. You can select and then " (quote mark) more than once. Other editor buttons are described at BBCode. I've also added superscript, strikethrough/deleted, and insert via:

Code: Select all

[sup][/sup] - superscript
[del][/del] - deleted/strikethrough
[ins][/ins] - inserted/wavy underline
Your text goes between the "]" and "[". Play with things and use the "Preview" button to see the result before using the "Submit" button. Particularly when your edits change or clarify meaning non-trivially, or add content, the use of the del and ins tagging is recommended and you can/should still enter a "Reason for editing..." (in "Options" below the edit box) to make sure people understand your non-trivial changes.

* The "B" bold actually adds HTML strong tagging and the "I" italic actually adds HTML em[phasis] tagging. No method for adding merely decorative bold or italics is provided.