
Discussion of how to get people to take their responsibilities for the government that oversees them seriously.
James E. White
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Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:17 pm


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Studying the issues and the candidates and their perceptions of the issues and possible solutions and compromises is the only way you can maximize the power of your vote. It is no longer the case, if it ever really was, that just picking a political party and voting a straight party ticket will work things out the way you want or that best balances the greater good. You can also help by letting the people that you do vote for, and the people that get voted into office, know what you want to see accomplished. Yes, your letter, email, survey response, whatever, will seem to go into a black hole and be forever lost but it does make a difference and many other similar encouragements will have a long-term effect. The oil tanker of government does not turn on a dime as should clearly be understood by looking at the continuing effects of slavery and racial prejudice in the USA for over 200 years.

Additionally, you, you, you, and you must take responsibility for strongly encouraging your elected representatives to get the whole of the USA Justice system back on track. Donald Trump is wrong when he (through his disregard of sound ethics and morals) claims the Justice system is somehow unfairly being used against him. It is not. While it is true he has been singled out for prosecutions that other prosecutors might have let slide it is also way more true that he is the one that assumed he could get away with whatever he wanted, legal, ethical, or immoral as it might be.

Remember Martha Stewart being prosecuted to the hilt and going to jail for merely accepting a recommendation of a financial advisor? Whatever happened to that financial advisor and the undoubted line of other people that culminated in her prosecution? Prosecutors, because you've not given them the funds to prosecute every wrongdoer, often selectively, pick higher profile people because it gives the prosecutor more visibility as well as giving the wrong behavior itself and the penalties for it more visibility thus having a long-term effect to the benefit of all. Donald Trump is clearly a violator with high visibility and prosecutors coming after him is no surprise but it is not a political party nor a President decision.

You, you, you, and you need to unelect Republicans that voted against the Trump impeachment for Jan 6, 2021. Why? Because they weren't paying attention to you and the good of your country. They were paying attention to the big campaign finance dollars they hoped to garner from their vote. See the "Campaign Finance" section for more.
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