
Pros and cons of globalization. How would isolation help (if it would)?
James E. White
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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:17 pm


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Globalization will not and cannot go away. Why not? For the simple reason that mineable and other exploitable resources are not geographically even across all countries. Just like you don't have a goldmine in your back yard (if you have a back yard). Additionally, within reason and within reasonable bounds that do not leave any country dependent on another country, moving manufacturing to low-cost labor countries helps bring all countries toward equality in "quality of life" even though that means different things to different people. Corporations are very poor at striking a good balance between domestic manufacturing and "foreign" low-cost labor. Generally the only way to achieve a better long-term balance is for government intervention through law and import taxes generally known as tariffs. Tariffs are not free, they cost the local consumer while encouraging more local manufacturing and discouraging more foreign manufacturing. Getting a perfect balance is a goal but highly improbable, there will always be some compromise.
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