Electoral College

Discussion of how to deal with or replace the U.S. Electoral College?
James E. White
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Electoral College

Unread post by James E. White »

Popular vote or some other mechanism needs to be devised that better balances the wishes of the people in the election of the President and Vice-President of the United States. A good part of the solution, when honored by the people in the branches of the government, is already found in the Constitution's checks and balances. But in a large part the Founders issues must be recognized and dealt with in tune with the USA of today.

The Founders, even those and maybe especially those with slaves, understood that slavery was an issue, that education was an issue, that social prejudices were an issue, that free riders were an issue, that blessings at birth were an issue, that remoteness from power or current events were issues, etc. But times have changed, slavery is gone, education is better, many social prejudices have substantially softened, etc., so election rules perhaps need adjusted (by Constitutional amendment, not Congress or the Supreme Court) to today's realities.
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